Ubuntu: Unleashed 2017 Edition 电子书下载
Ubuntu Unleashed 2017 Edition is filled with unique and advanced information for everyone who wants to make the most of the Ubuntu Linux operating system, including the latest in Ubuntu mobile development. This new edition has been thoroughly updated by a long-time Ubuntu community leader to reflect the exciting new Ubuntu 16.10 and the forthcoming Ubuntu 17.04 and 17.08. Helmke presents up-to-the-minute introductions to Ubuntu’s key productivity and Web development tools, programming languages, hardware support, and more. This book will now be part of CUPs (the Content Update Program).Former Ubuntu Forum administrator Matthew Helmke covers all you need to know about Ubuntu 16.10 installation, configuration, productivity, multimedia, development, system administration, server operations, networking, virtualization, security, DevOps, and more—including intermediate-to-advanced techniques you won’t find in any other book. Helmke presents up-to-the-minute introductions to Ubuntu’s key productivity and Web development tools, programming languages, hardware support, and more. You’ll find new or improved coverage of Ubuntu’s Unity interface, various types of servers, software repositories, database options, virtualization and cloud services, development tools, monitoring, troubleshooting, Ubuntu’s push into mobile and other touch screen devices, and much
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