Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively 电子书下载
书名:Learning NumPy Array: Supercharge your scientific Python computations by understanding how to use the NumPy library effectively
NumPy is an extension of Python, which provides highly optimized arrays and numerical operations. NumPy replaces a lot of the functionality of Matlab and Mathematica specifically vectorized operations, but in contrast to those products is free and open source. In today`s world of science and technology, it is all about speed and flexibility. This book will teach you about NumPy, a leading scientific computing library. This book enables you to write readable, efficient, and fast code, which is closely associated to the language of mathematics. Save thousands of dollars on expensive software, while keeping all the flexibility and power of your favorite programming language. You will learn about installing and using NumPy and related concepts. At the end of the book we will explore related scientific computing projects. This book will give you a solid foundation in NumPy arrays and universal functions. Learning NumPy Array will help you be productive with NumPy and write clean and fast code.
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