First Strike: The Erotic Prequel to STRIKING DISTANCE 电子书下载
Just a weekend... Laura Nilsson knows what she wants: a successful career as a broadcast journalist--and a little fun between the sheets now and again. What she doesn`t want is marriage or kids. When a ripped and sexy stranger intervenes to stop a couple of drunks from harassing her in a hotel bar in Dubai City, all she can think about is spending the rest of the weekend with him--in her bed. There`s just one little problem. Unmarried sex is illegal in Dubai. ... of no-strings sex ... Navy SEAL Javier "Cobra" Corbray is on his way home from a rough deployment in Afghanistan when he finds himself having dinner with "the Baghdad Babe." What she wants from him--sex with no strings--could land them both in prison. Still, he`s more than happy to oblige her. She`s confident and sexually assertive, and he`s secure enough to lie back and let her make the first strike. But, as she`s about to find out, he`s more than her match. ... or the beginning of something more? Yet, neither Laura nor Javier has any idea what lies ahead--or how this weekend of mind-blowing sex will impact their emotions. Will they act on their new-found feelings in time, or will they let something special slip away... perhaps forever?
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