10 Real LSATs Grouped by Question Type 电子书下载
Intended to provide students with targeted practice, this book is the first to offer unparalleled, no-frills access to real LSAT questions grouped by question type, with explanations written by Manhattan Prep’s expert LSAT instructors.Designed as a study aid for the students of Manhattan Prep’s elite LSAT prep classes,10 Real LSATs Grouped by Question Typeprovides students with an opportunity for targeted practice. Cut from Practice Tests 41-50, this book allows students to hone their skills on specific question types in Logical Reasoning, Logic Games, and Reading Comprehension, including Assumptions, Inferences, Binary Grouping, and more. In-depth explanations for every question are written by Manhattan Prep’s expert LSAT instructors and feature hand-drawn diagrams that allow students to get inside the mind of a 99th percentile scorer.By providing a means for targeted training,10 Real LSATs Grouped by Question Typeis an invaluable study tool, enabling students to get acclimated to the nuances of the exam and achieve a higher level of mastery on every question the LSAT has to offer!
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