A Life Decoded: My Genome: My Life 电子书下载
While I had to make a considerable effort to understand, even in part, the inner workings of molecular biology, the book is a living testimony to the adage that the least done by the people is better than the most done by a government. Venter had proven that only individuals with indomitable spirit can and do cross new borders, reach out beyond the horizons, do it faster, better, for a lot less (public) money.
Those who find the book, at times, hard going, are richly rewarded in the very last chapter, which for all but the faint at heart, renews hope in the human potential and endeavour. Thank you, Dr. Venter.
Stan Law is the author of ASIN:0973187255 The Avatar Syndrome (Prequel to Headless World) and more than 20 books, some available on the Amazons.
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