Lifescripts: What to Say to Get What You Want in Lifes Toughest Situations 电子书下载
The bestselling guide to workplace success—now revised with more than 50 percent new material Asking your boss to stop micromanaging . . . terminating a subordinate . . . confronting a backstabbing peer . . . cold-calling a potential client . . . when confronted with situations like these, many people are at a loss for words—which is why New York Times bestselling authors Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine created Lifescripts . Using two-color flowcharts, they literally map out 110 difficult conversations, showing people exactly how to open a discussion, make the right responses—and reach the desired result. In this completely revised and updated edition, the authors have sharpened the workplace focus of the book, eliminating scripts dealing with family issues and adding more than 50 business-focused scripts that cover everything from confronting dishonesty to dealing with HR to closing a deal.
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