Sketchbook Confidential Secrets from the private sketches of over 40 master artists 电子书下载
Pulsing with ideas, energy and inspiration, Sketchbook Confidential offers a rare peek inside the personal sketchbooks of 40+ master artists. From colorful painted sketches to spontaneous napkin doodles, from the intensely personal to the purely whimsical, most of the work here was produced quickly and never intended for public view. It is honest and immediate, fresh and fearless. In their own words, the artists share the intentions and inspirations behind their sketching. For some, it is a cherished, everyday habit—a way of wandering through the ideas in their mind, playing around with new subjects, or just having some anything-goes kind of fun. For others, sketching is a deliberate tool for problem-solving—working through a composition, capturing a moments light or test-driving a color scheme. As you turn the pages youll be immersed in the creative processes of these individuals, arriving on the other side with a feeling of kinship and a renewed desire to boldly capture life in your own sketchbooks!
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