《Scratch编程乐园:轻松制作炫酷的游戏》刘端阳文字版 电子书下载
本书是由美国的Al Sweigart 所著,他是一名教授孩子和成人编程的软件开发者。本书非常适合用于指导8—16 岁的青少年学习Scratch 编程,也适合对Scratch 编程感兴趣的成年人阅读,而且阅读本书并不需要具备任何编程经验。 本书一共分为9 章,每一章都具备大量的程序图示来逐步引导你完成 ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Make Your Own Scratch Games - Anna Anthropy 电子书下载
Make Your Own Scratch Games - Anna AnthropyAnna Anthropy ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Django 3 By Example: Build powerful and reliable Python web applications from scratch 电子书下载
Learn Django 3 with four end-to-end web projects Key Features Learn Django 3 by building real-world web applications from scratch ...
10-19 [ None ]
Build Your Own Database From Scratch - James Smith 电子书下载
Build Your Own Database From Scratch - James SmithJames Smith ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Scratch 3.0少儿游戏趣味编程 电子书下载
本书通过讲解用Scratch 3.0编写15款有趣的小游戏和小程序的开发过程,由浅入深地向读者介绍Scratch 3.0编程的基本技术以及程序设计的基本思维和方法。 全书共8章和1个附录。第1章带领读者认识Scratch 3.0,第2章介绍Scratch 3 ...
08-09 [ None ]
小猴编程:Scratch 3.0趣味少儿编程(提高篇)【文字版】 电子书下载
本书结合数学、科学、音乐等几个科目,以小猴编程卡通角色带入,用丰富的人设和故事把Scratch 3.0 所表达的计算思维展现出来。全书共分为12 课,每课主要讲一个功能模块,鼓励孩子们运用这个模块实现各种项目,不仅教会孩子们使用Scratch 3.0,掌握全 ...
08-09 [ None ]
Building WordPress Themes from Scratch - Joe Casabona 电子书下载
Building WordPress Themes from Scratch - Joe CasabonaJoe Casabona ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Computer Graphics from Scratch - Gabriel Gambetta 电子书下载
Computer Graphics from Scratch - Gabriel GambettaGabriel Gambetta ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Web Development with MongoDB and NodeJS, 2nd Edition: Build an interactive and full-featured web application from scratch using Node.js and MongoDB 电子书下载
Node.js and MongoDB are quickly becoming one of the most popular tech stacks for the web. Powered by Google`s V8 engine, Node.js ...
08-16 [ None ]
轻松玩转Scratch编程 电子书下载
Scratch是可视化的编程语言,利用它可以制作游戏、动画,还可以计算数学题、处理字符串。本书有简单的单个程序块分析,有深奥的数学知识灌输,也有复杂的变量、链表、字符串、克隆体程序讲解,更有一个个实战项目演练。本书内容共分为四部分,从易到难、从基础到实战地讲 ...
07-20 [ None ]
Web Development with MongoDB and NodeJS Build an interactive and full-featured web application from scratch using Node.js and MongoDB 电子书下载
Node.js and MongoDB are quickly becoming one of the most popular tech stacks for the web. Powered by Google’s V8 engine, Node.js ...
08-16 [ None ]