An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata 电子书下载
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Third Edition provides the foundation to understand various approaches for analyzing time-to-event data. It is not only a tutorial for learning survival analysis but also a valuable reference for using Stata to analyze survival data. Although the book assumes knowledge of statistical principles, simple probability, and basic Stata, it takes a practical, rather than mathematical, approach to the subject. This updated third edition highlights new features of Stata 11, including competing-risks analysis and the treatment of missing values via multiple imputation. Other additions include new diagnostic measures after Cox regression, Stata’s new treatment of categorical variables and interactions, and a new syntax for obtaining prediction and diagnostics after Cox regression. After reading this book, you will understand the formulas and gain intuition about how various survival analysis estimators work and what information they exploit. You will also acquire deeper, more comprehensive knowledge of the syntax, features, and underpinnings of Stata’s survival analysis routines.
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