Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Applications and Web 2.0 Technologies (Advances in Semantic Web and Information Systems) 电子书下载
书名:Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Applications and Web 2.0 Technologies (Advances in Semantic Web and Information Systems)
As semantic technologies prove their value with targeted applications, there are increasing opportunities to consider their usefulness in social contexts for knowledge, learning, and human development. Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Applications and Web 2.0 Technologies explores the potential of Web 2.0 and its synergies with the Semantic Web and provides state-of-the-art theoretical foundations and technological applications. A reference edition for academicians, practitioners, policy makers, and government officers eager for knowledge on Web 2.0 and social Web, this book emphasizes practical aspects of the integration of semantic applications into social Web technologies.
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