HTML for Kids - Learn HTML basics in simple steps

HTML for Kids - Learn HTML basics in simple steps 电子书下载

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书名:HTML for Kids - Learn HTML basics in simple steps

HTML for Kids - Learn HTML basics in simple steps.jpg

Overview: One beautiful morning when I was enjoying my freshly brewed coffee and looking forward to a busy, interesting day, my son came to me and asked “Dad! How do people create web sites? I heard they use HTML. How can I learn HTML?” That day evening, I spent a good time searching a right book for him. It was not a quest for any HTML book, but it was a research to find the right content according to his young age and experience. It was not about finding a book which is complete for HTML, but it was about finding a book which takes him through baby steps to make him comfortable about HTML. I wanted a book which could grow his enthusiasm and curiosity to next level. Unfortunately, I could not find such book.

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