DIY Animism: Your Personal Guide to Animal Spirits 电子书下载
This is the new, updated and annotated edition of DIY Totemism, a work
that redefined the concept of neopagan animal spirit work. First
published in 2008, this 2020 release keeps my original material while
improving it with updates and annotations. Join me as I explore animal
spirits beyond the Big, Impressive North American Birds and Mammals!
You’ll learn how to create connections with animals you may never have
thought of, work with these spirits in your everyday life for your
benefit and theirs alike, and even learn how to make the Last Animal
Card Deck You’ll Ever Need! Free from formulaic dictionary entries,
streamlined without tons of prefabricated spells, and full of material
based on my decades of experience, DIY Animism is the ultimate guide to
deeper, more personal relationships with the animal spirits in your
life.There are some familiar topics for those who have read my
other works; animal spirit work, of course, was a featured topic, and in
this new work I delve even deeper between the potential interaction
between therianthropy and animism. However, you’ll also find out how to
use legal entheogens like caffeine and alcohol in conjunction with
animism, how to work magic to aid animal spirits and their physical
representatives, and how to make a deck of animal cards that will
literally get you in touch with the archetypal spirit of any animal
species. Best of all, rather than relying on yet another animal
dictionary with someone else’s interpretations, there are exercises at
the end of every chapter designed to help you compose your own
dictionary for your personal use.While a basic working knowledge
of magic and animism is helpful, DIY Animism is written in an
approachable fashion. Solid research and proper citation methods are
paired with thorough practical results showing my work, and rather than
being a dogmatic guide to what you should and shouldn’t do, I provide
you with tools you can integrate into your own practice. The table of
contents tells you more of what to look forward to:Introduction (2008)Introduction (2020)Chapter One: Rant On! Some of the Problems WithNeopagan Animal Spirit WorkChapter Two: Starting at the SourceChapter Three: Some Animal Spirits YouMay Not Have ConsideredChapter Four: The Last Animal Card Deck You’ll Ever NeedChapter Five: Everyday Animal Spirit WorkChapter Six: Animal Spirits and ChemognosisChapter Seven: Magical Shapeshifting With Animal SpiritsChapter Eight: Using Spiritual Techniques in TherianthropyChapter Nine: Ask Not What Your Spirit GuidesCan Do For You…Chapter Ten: Creating Your Own Spiritual SystemAfterword: The Future of Neopagan Animal Spirit WorkAppendix A: Animal-Based NonprofitsAppendix B: All-Purpose Generic Guided Meditation ForSpiritual WorkAppendix C: Are We Just Splitting Hairs? On Therianthropyand Animal Spirit WorkAppendix D: Deep Ancestral AnimismAppendix E: My Frank Appraisals of Animal Spirit LiteratureBibliography
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