Christian Ethics: An Introductory Reader 电子书下载
This comprehensive anthology of primary documents and materialsexplores the evolution and study of Christian ethical principles.It may be used independently, or alongside the accompanyingtextbook, Introducing Christian Ethics, for a completeoverview of the field. Represents the entire canon of Christian ethics, including first-hand accounts from major figures in the theological andecclesial tradition Introduces foundational figures such as Augustine, Aquinas, andLuther; contemporary theorists including Jűrgen Moltmann,Stanley Hauerwas, and Wendell Berry; in addition to work by work bynon-theoretical figures, such as Ghandi and Martin Luther King Features useful introductory material that demonstrates thesignificance of each extract and how they relate to each other May be used independently or together with the accompanyingtextbook, Introducing Christian Ethics; both books share thesame structure and are cross-referenced for ease of use
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