Wiley Critical Content: Petroleum Technology 电子书下载
Wiley’s major reference works cover a multitude of subject disciplines and have
earned many accolades over the years for their well-structured, accessible articles,
covering both fundamentals and cutting-edge topics. The Wiley Critical
Content Series was conceived in response to demand from customers who
have a strong interest in certain key topics covered within more than one of
Wiley’s reference works and who have asked to see the most relevant articles
brought together in one place. Wiley Critical Content: Petroleum Technology
is the first title to be published in this series. It features articles from two
of Wiley’s most prestigious encyclopedias—the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of
Chemical Technology and Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.
Wiley Critical Content: Petroleum Technology provides comprehensive, upto-
date information on all aspects of petroleum: properties and origin, exploration,
production and refining processes, economic issues, and environmental
and health concerns. The two volumes contain over fifty articles, organized
- Part I: Exploration, Production, and Refining
- Part II: Refined Products and Fuels
- Part III: Petrochemicals
Written by prominent scholars from around the world, this reliable reference
will be of particular interest to petroleum engineers, researchers in industry
and academia, and other professionals and consultants in petroleum-related
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