The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of globalization. 1 电子书下载
This five-volume Encyclopedia contains over 600 entries on the essential topics of Globalization and is the definitive reference resource for students, researchers and academics in the field. Offers clear and concise explanations of the key concepts of Globalization. Arranged in A to Z format over five volumes. Includes entries on concepts derived from across the social sciences, from sociology and anthropology to political science, economics, and human geography. Looks at the founding theories as well as the realities of globalization today. Covers the essential topics in the study of globalization, including agency-structure, Americanization, anti-globalization, Bretton Woods; coca-colonization, Empire; Euro crisis, ethnic cleansing, exploitation, feminization of poverty, genocide, global warming, nation-state, neo-liberalism, oil, post-globalization, Qaedaism, rape, sex work, sport, terror, Transnational Corporations, Twitter Revolution, water crisis, Web 2.0, Wikileaks, World Social Forum and, Zapatistas. Includes a number of key documentslisted as entries such asthe Kyoto Protocol and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Read more... Abstract: This five-volume Encyclopedia contains over 600 entries on the essential topics of Globalization and is the definitive reference resource for students, researchers and academics in the field. Offers clear and concise explanations of the key concepts of Globalization. Arranged in A to Z format over five volumes. Includes entries on concepts derived from across the social sciences, from sociology and anthropology to political science, economics, and human geography. Looks at the founding theories as well as the realities of globalization today. Covers the essential topics in the study of globalization, including agency-structure, Americanization, anti-globalization, Bretton Woods; coca-colonization, Empire; Euro crisis, ethnic cleansing, exploitation, feminization of poverty, genocide, global warming, nation-state, neo-liberalism, oil, post-globalization, Qaedaism, rape, sex work, sport, terror, Transnational Corporations, Twitter Revolution, water crisis, Web 2.0, Wikileaks, World Social Forum and, Zapatistas. Includes a number of key documentslisted as entries such asthe Kyoto Protocol and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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