Thirteenth Century England XI: Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005 (Thirteenth Century England) (v. 11)

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书名:Thirteenth Century England XI: Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005 (Thirteenth Century England) (v. 11)

Thirteenth Century England XI: Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005 (Thirteenth Century England) (v. 11).jpg

Editors: Janet Burton, Björn Weiler, Philipp Schofield, Karen Stöber The thirteenth century brought the British Isles into ever closer contact with one another, and with medieval Europe as a whole. This international dimensionforms a dominant theme of this collection: it features essays on England`s relations with the papal court; the adoption of European cultural norms in Scotland; Welsh society and crusading; English landholding in Ireland; and dealings between the kings of England and Navarre. Other papers, on ritual crucifixion, concepts of office and ethcis, and the English royal itinerary, show that the thirteenth century was also a period of profound political and cultural change, witnessing the transformation of legal and economic structures [represented here by case studies of noblewomen and their burial customs; and a prolonged inheritance dispute in Laxton]. This volume testifies to the continuing vitality and [with contributors from three continents and six countries] international nature of scholarship on medieval Britain; and moves beyond the Channel to make an important contribution to the history of medieval Europes.Contributors: ROBERT STACEY, FRÉDÉRIQUE LACHAUD, STEPHEN CHURCH, CHRISTIAN HILLEN, JESSICA NELSON, MATTHEW HAMMOND, KATHRYN HURLOCK, NICHOLAS VINCENT, ADAM DAVIES, HUI LIU, EMMA CAVELL, DAVID CROOK, BETH HARTLANDTable of Contents`Adam of Bristol` and Tales of Ritual Crucifixion in Medieval England - Robert C. StaceyEthics and Office in England in the Thirteenth Century - Frédérique LachaudSome Aspects of the Royal Itinerary in the Twelfth Century - Stephen D. ChurchThe Minority Governments of Henry III, Henry [VII] and Louis IX in Comparison - Christian HillenScottish Queenship in the Thirteenth Century - Jessica NelsonEthnicity, Personal Names, and the Nature of Scottish Europeanization - Matthew HammondPower, Preaching and the Crusades in Pura Wallia c.1180-c.1280 - Kathryn HurlockA Forgotten War: England and Navarre, 1243-4 - Nicholas VincentThe Appointment of Cardinal-deacon Otto as Legate in Britain [1237] - Adam DaviesMatthew Paris and John Mansel - Hui LiuThe Burial of Noblewomen in Thirteenth-Century Shropshire - Emma CavellDynstic Conflicy in Thirteenth-Century Laxton - David CrookAbsenteeism: The Chronology of a Concept - Beth Hartland

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