The Path To Strength: School of the USSR (CROSSFIT & POWERLIFTING Book 5)

The Path To Strength: School of the USSR (CROSSFIT & POWERLIFTING Book 5) 电子书下载

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书名:The Path To Strength: School of the USSR (CROSSFIT & POWERLIFTING Book 5)

The Path To Strength: School of the USSR (CROSSFIT & POWERLIFTING Book 5).jpg

This book was written taking into account the professional teachings of the strongmen of the USSR Strong people have always enjoyed great respect and love among the people. Many beautiful epics and songs have been composed about Russian heroes. And now well done daring and strength adorn a person, help him in labor and defense of the Motherland. Soviet strongmen are the first in the world. Strength exercises with dumbbells, weights and a barbell are very popular. After all, every person wants to be strong. The author of the brochure tells fascinatingly how outstanding athletes of the past and present developed their strength, how she rescued them in difficult MINUTES of life, helped them win victories in sports wrestling and perform feats of arms. The author convinces the reader that strength is not only innate, but can be well developed through persistent exercise

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