More math into LATEX 电子书下载
"Gratzer’s book is a solution." -European Mathematical Society Newsletter For close to two decades, Math into Latex has been the standard introduction and complete reference for writing articles and books containing mathematical formulas. In this fourth edition, the reader is provided with important updates on articles and books. An important new topic is discussed: transparencies (computer projections). Key features of More Math into Latex, 4th edition: - Installation instructions for PC and Mac users - An example-based, visual approach and a gentle introduction with the Short Course - A detailed exposition of multiline math formulas with a Visual Guide - A unified approach to Tex, Latex, and the AMS enhancements - A quick introduction to creating presentations with computer projections From earlier reviews of Math into Latex: "There are several Latex guides, but this on wins hands down for the elegance of its approach and breadth of coverage." Best of 2000, Editor’s choice "A novice reader will be able to learn the most essential features of Latex sufficient to begin typesetting papers within a few hours of time…An experienced Tex user, on the other hand, will find a systematic and detailed discussion of Latex features." -Report on Mathematical Physics "A very helpful and useful tool for al scientists and engineers." -Review of Astronomical Tools
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