Climate change and water 电子书下载
"Observational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging consequences for human societies and ecosystems. ... The objectives of this Technical Paper ... are: to improve our understanding of the links between both natural and anthropogenically induced climate change, its impacts, and adaptation and mitigation response options, on the one hand, and water-related issues, on the other; to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the implications of climate change and climate change response options for water resources, as well as the implications for water resources of various climate change scenarios and climate change response options, including associated synergies and trade-offs"--Pages 3-7. Read more... Abstract: "Observational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging consequences for human societies and ecosystems. ... The objectives of this Technical Paper ... are: to improve our understanding of the links between both natural and anthropogenically induced climate change, its impacts, and adaptation and mitigation response options, on the one hand, and water-related issues, on the other; to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the implications of climate change and climate change response options for water resources, as well as the implications for water resources of various climate change scenarios and climate change response options, including associated synergies and trade-offs"--Pages 3-7
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