The Powell Principles (The McGraw-Hill Professional Education Series) 电子书下载
"The Powell Principles" details the decision-making habits, success strategies, and leadership philosophies of Secretary of State Colin Powell. Filled with insights that are as refreshingly honest as they are grittily real, this concise, no-nonsense book reveals the keys to Powell`s unprecedented success, keys that include: walk the talk; be a dis-organizer; let change lead growth; be prepared to piss people off; check your ego at the door; push the envelope; let situation dictate strategy; challenge the pros; trust those in the trenches; and prepare to be lonely. Colin Powell rose from the hardscrabble streets of the Bronx to become the man Newsweek calls "...the most respected figure in American public life." Let "The Powell Principles" introduce you to the principles that drove him to the top and provide you with a blueprint for inspiring anyone - including yourself - to achieve extraordinary levels of professional success.
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