St. George: Knight, Martyr, Patron Saint and Dragonslayer (Pocket Essential series) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert opinions, each book has all the key information you need to know about such popular topics as film, television, cult fiction, history, and more. At the heart of the myths and legends surrounding the English icon lies the story of an early Christian martyr persecuted by the Roman Empire. But England is only one country to have adopted this soldier saint as their patron; the cult of St. George is astonishingly widespread. His heroic struggle against the dragon can be seen as the bravery of an individual Christian or as the eternal battle between good and evil. Yet closer examination shows clear parallels between his battle and that of earlier pre-Christian heroes, such as Perseus and Beowulf. St. George is also identified with the Islamic hero Al Khidr and has been closely linked with the Green Man of pre-Christian myth. Here, Giles Morgan looks at the many aspects of St. George as multi-cultural icon and hero.
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