The Writings of Jonathan Swift 电子书下载
This volume contains the complete and definitive texts of virtually all of Swift`s major works, as well as a generous selection of his poetry and other writings. Included are Gulliver`s Travels, A Tale of a Tub, The Battel of the Books, A Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, numerous essays and other prose pieces, and poems, among them several that are rarely reprinted. All of the texts are scrupulously edited and annotated. Backgrounds includes correspondence between Swift and members of his circle and observations by his contemporaries. Criticism offers evaluations by Norman O. Brown, Samuel Holt Monk, Allan Bloom, Nigel Dennis, Edward W. Rosenheim, Jr., A. E. Dyson, William Frost, C. J. Rawson, Kathleen Williams, Martin Price, Robert M. Adams, and Jay Arnold Levine. An Annotated Bibliography guides the reader to important works for further study.
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