Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multi-sensor integrated navigation systems 电子书下载
This is a long-overdue volume dedicated to space trajectory optimization. Interest in the subject has grown, as space missions of increasing levels of sophistication, complexity, and scientific return - hardly imaginable in the 1960s - have been designed and flown. Although the basic tools of optimization theory remain an accepted canon, there has been a revolution in the manner in which they are applied and in the development of numerical optimization. This volume purposely includes a variety of both analytical and numerical approaches to trajectory optimization. The choice of authors has been guided by the editor`s intention to assemble the most expert and active researchers in the various specialties presented. The authors were given considerable freedom to choose their subjects, and although this may yield a somewhat eclectic volume, it also yields chapters written with palpable enthusiasm and relevant to contemporary problems What is Navigation? -- Inertial Navigation -- Radio and Satellite Navigation -- Feature Matching -- The Complete Navigation System -- Navigation Mathematics -- Coordinate Frames, Kenematics, and the Earth -- Coordinate Frames -- Kinematics -- Earth Surface and Gravity Models -- Frame Transformations -- The Kalman Filter -- Introduction -- Algorithms and Models -- Implementation Issues -- Extensions to the Kalman Filter -- Navigation Systems -- Inertial Sensors -- Acceleromoters -- Gyroscopes -- Inertial Measurement Units -- Error Characteristics -- Inertial Navigation -- Inertial-Frame Navigation Equations -- Earth-Frame Navigation Equations -- Local-Navigation-Frame Navigation Equations -- Navigations Equations Precision -- Initialization and Alignment -- INS Error Propagation -- Platform INS -- Horizontal-Plane Inertial Navigation -- Satellite Navigation Systems -- Fundamentals of Satellite Navigation -- Global Positioning System -- GLONASS -- Galileo -- Regional Navigation Systems -- GNSS Interoperability -- Satellite Navigation Processing, Errors, and Geometry -- Satellite Navigation Geometry -- Receiver Hardware and Antenna -- Ranging Processor -- Range Error Sources -- Navigation Processor -- Advanced Satellite Navigation -- Differential GNSS -- Carrier-Phase Positioning and Attitude -- Poor Signal-to-Noise Environments -- Multipath Mitigation -- Signal Monitoring -- Semi-Codeless Tracking -- Terrestrial Radio Navigation -- Point-Source Systems -- Loran -- Instrument Landing System -- Urban and Indoor Positioning -- Relative Navigation -- Tracking -- Sonar Transponders -- Dead Reckoning, Attitude, and Height Measurement -- Height and Depth Measurement -- Odometers -- Pedestrian Dead Reckoning -- Doppler Radar and Sonar -- Other Dead-Reckoning Techniques -- Feature Matching -- Terrain-Referenced Navigation -- Image Matching -- Map Matching -- Other Feature-Matching Techniques -- Integrated Navigation -- INS/GNSS Integration -- Integration Architectures -- System Model and State Selection -- Measurement Models -- Advanced INS/GNSS Integration -- INS Alignment and Zero Velocity Updates -- Transfer Alignment -- Quasi-Stationary Alignment with Unknown Heading -- Quasi-Stationary Fine Alignment and Zero Velocity Updates -- Multisensor Integrated Navigation -- Integration Architectures -- Terestrial Radio Navigation -- Dead Reckoning, Attitude, and Height Measurement -- Feature Mapping -- Fault Detection and Integrity Monitoring -- Failure Modes -- Range Checks -- Kalman Filter Measurement Innovations -- Direct Consistency Checks -- Certified Integrity Monitoring -- Vectors and Matrices -- Introduction to Vectors -- Introduction to Matrices -- Special Matrix Types -- Matrix Inversion -- Calculus -- Statistical Measures -- Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation -- Probability Density Function -- Gaussian Distribution -- Chi-Square Distribution
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