Management Communication: Financial Times Briefing (Financial Times Series) 电子书下载
A concise and pithy reference guide that gives busy decision makers everything they need to know about management communications to get the right results for their business This book provides you with all the powerful, practical and accessible guidance you need to transform the effectiveness of communication within your business.It will show you how to:§ adopt a communications mindset § accept responsibility for your communication § take a strategic view of communications, whether you are internal or external, spoken, written or non-verbal, too § develop a simple, focused communication strategy § ensure that strategy is aligned with company strategy § take account of the interests, needs and language of your audience § make communication compelling, continuous and credible This book provides tried and tested tools, processes and techniques that are grounded in the reality of everyday business life. It offers a simple approach to strategic communication that will help you develop a practical framework for thinking about management communications, with questions to ask, examples and things to think about.
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