Pen, Ink, & Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective 电子书下载
书名:Pen, Ink, & Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective
The centuries-old art of handwriting is practiced daily by millions, yet
few have any idea of its history or the tools used in handwriting. In
Pen, Ink, and Evidence, Joe Nickell traces the development of writing
and writing materials from the ancient cuneiform tablet to today`s
ball-point-scribbled memo.
Nickell not only describes how ink, paper, pens, and pencils have been
manufactured and used over the centuries, but also explores the history
of such ancillary activities as learning calligraphy, cutting quill
pens, deciphering old scripts, detecting forgeries, identifying
watermarks, dating ink bottles, and reading faded manuscripts. He also
traces the development of autograph collecting, describes how to
identify inks, and offers sidelights on postage stamps, early
typewriters, mourning stationery, fountain-pen fillers, and the
evolution of the desk.
Richly illustrated from the author`s own collection, the book includes
photos of historic inkwells, traveling writing kits, pens of glass and
gold, ink eraser knives, quill cutters, paperweights, letter openers,
pen racks, and sealing-wax melters, as well as documents ranging from
valentines and genealogical records to secret messages.
Pen, Ink, and Evidence is an essential text for calligraphers,
archivists, literary scholars, historians, genealogists, collectors,
document analysts, teachers of handwriting, and all others with an
interest in writing and its accoutrements.
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