Medical Illness and Schizophrenia, Second Edition 电子书下载
Medical Illness and Schizophrenia, Second Edition, is the only clinical guide exclusively on the treatment of medical comorbidities among patients with schizophrenia. Like its best-selling predecessor, this new, expanded edition compiles the latest research and clinical information regarding the crucial task of integrating medical and psychiatric care for the schizophrenic patient. The volume s fifteen chapters cover a wide range of common medical conditions, from obesity, heart disease, and diabetes to substance abuse and smoking. This edition also includes important new chapters on recent trends, behavioral treatments for weight loss, sexual dysfunction issues, and health outcomes of schizophrenia treatment in children, adolescents, and pregnant and breastfeeding patients. As the only clinical text of its kind, the expanded second edition of Medical Illness and Schizophrenia is an invaluable resource for hospital or community-based psychiatric physicians, family medicine and psychiatry residents, nurses, psychologists, and healthcare professionals. It is a comprehensive, practical manual that serves as a reference for the medical management of severely mentally ill patients across the age spectrum in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
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