Environment of Schizophrenia: Innovations in Practice, Policy and Communications 电子书下载
There is now a body of evidence suggesting that the occurrence and course of schizophrenia are affected by a variety of environmental factors. The Environment of Schizophrenia draws upon our knowledge of these factors in order to design innovations that will decrease its incidence and severity, while enhancing the quality of life for sufferers and their relatives.Examining environmental forces operating at the individual, domestic and broad societal levels, Richard Warner proposes feasible interventions such as:* education about obstetric risks* marketing effective psychosocial treatments* business enterprises set up to employ people with mental illness* cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosisThe Environment of Schizophrenis suggests practical ways to create a better world for those who suffer from this serious illness and for those who are close to them. It will prove fresh and stimulating reading for mental health managers and policy makers, as well as psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, mental health advocates, and communications specialists.
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