Principles of Chinese Herbal Medicine: What it is, how it works, and what it can do for you 电子书下载
Chinese herbal medicine has become an increasingly popular method of treatment for a range of different health conditions - from eczema to fertility problems. This book presents an authoritative introduction to the fundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine.Covering everything from the history to the most important Chinese herbs and their properties to what to expect from a consultation, the book provides readers with all the key information about the theory and practice of this medical system. It offers advice on how to find a herbalist as well as providing tips on how to improve overall wellbeing. The book also includes patient stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of Chinese herbs when correctly prescribed.A definitive guide to the essentials of this method of treatment, this book is the perfect starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Chinese herbal medicine, whether for personal use or general interest.
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