Principles of Chinese Medicine: What it is, how it works, and what it can do for you Second Edition 电子书下载
书名:Principles of Chinese Medicine: What it is, how it works, and what it can do for you Second Edition
Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, qigong, tui na massage and diet therapy have been used by the Chinese for over 2000 years, and they are still the treatments of choice for millions of people throughout the East. Now, Westerners are becoming aware of the many benefits of these potent therapies and the popularity of Chinese medicine is spreading rapidly.
Covering everything from the basic theory of Chinese medicine to how to find a practitioner, the book provides a definitive introductory guide to this ancient system. It includes explanations of each of the five therapies and their unique benefits as well as patients` first-hand experiences. With advice on choosing the right treatment, and comprehensive sections on useful addresses and further reading, the book provides everything readers need to know about Chinese medicine at an introductory level.
A practical handbook that provides all of the essential information, this book is the perfect introduction for anyone who wants to find out more about Chinese medicine, whether as a treatment option or for general interest.
Rev. ed. of: Thorsons principles of Chinese medicine / Angela Hicks. 1996.
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