The Little Black Book of Innovation: How It Works, How to Do It 电子书下载
Innovation may be the hottest discipline around todayin business circles and beyond. And for good reason. Innovation transforms companies and markets. It’s the key to solving vexing social problems. And it makes or breaks professional careers. For all the enthusiasm the topic inspires, however, the practice of innovation remains stubbornly impenetrable. No longer. In The Little Black Book of Innovation, long-time innovation expert Scott D. Anthony draws on stories from his research and field work with companies like Procter & Gamble to demystify innovation. In his trademark conversational and lively style, Anthony presents a simple definition of innovation, breaks down the essential differences between types of innovation, and illuminates innovation’s vital role in organizational success and personal growth.This unique hybrid of professional memoir and business guidebook also provides a powerful 28-day program for mastering innovation’s key steps: Finding insight Generating ideas Building businesses Strengthening innovation prowess in your workforce and organizationWith its wealth of illustrative case studies and vignettes from a range of companies around the globe, this engaging and potent playbook is a must-read for anyone seeking to turn themselves or their companies into true innovation powerhouses.
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