Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin: Implementing Practical Data Structures in Kotlin 电子书下载
Learn Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin!Data structures and algorithms are fundamental tools every developer should have. In this book, you`ll learn how to implement key data structures in Kotlin, and how to use them to solve a robust set of algorithms. This book is for intermediate Kotlin or Android developers who already know the basics of the language and want to improve their knowledge.Topics Covered in This BookIntroduction to Kotlin: If you`re new to Kotlin, you can learn the main constructs and begin writing code.Complexity: When you study algorithms, you need a way to compare their performance in time and space. Learn about the Big-O notation to help you do this.Elementary Data Structures**: Learn how to implement Linked List, Stacks, and Queues in Kotlin.Trees: Learn everything you need about Trees — in particular, Binary Trees, AVL Trees, as well as Binary Search and much more.Sorting Algorithms: Sorting algorithms are critical for any developer. Learn to implement the main sorting algorithms, using the tools provided by Kotlin.Graphs: Have you ever heard of Dijkstra and the calculation of the shortest path between two different points? Learn about Graphs and how to use them to solve the most useful and important algorithms.About the Tutorial TeamThe Tutorial Team is a group of app developers and authors who write tutorials at the popular website We take pride in making sure each tutorial we write holds to the highest standards of quality. We want our tutorials to be well written, easy to follow, and fun. If you`ve enjoyed the tutorials we`ve written in the past, you`re in for a treat. The tutorials we`ve written for this book are some of our best yet — and this book contains detailed technical knowledge you simply won`t be able to find anywhere else.
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