Prophets Of Violence - Prophets Of Peace: Understanding the Roots of Contemporary Political Violence 电子书下载
书名:Prophets Of Violence - Prophets Of Peace: Understanding the Roots of Contemporary Political Violence
Can human beings live according to moral values yet kill to achieve freedom? Can peaceful, non-violent protest actually bring sought-after freedoms? Dr. Sohail examines the philosophies and lives of twelve revolutionary political and social figures, including Martin Luther King, Jr., the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Che Guevara, Franz Fanon, and Ho Chi Minh. In thoughtful, well-organized essays, he looks at a wide spectrum of cultures and their struggles against repressive governments, in both developing and developed societies. Dr. Sohail distills the global rivalries and the impact of imperialism and colonialism. He explains the dynamics of the ongoing struggle for peace and non-violent means of dramatic change. Dr. Sohail read the works of all these revolutionaries, and here details what sets them apart and makes them different from other prominent leaders. Prophets of Violence, Prophets of Peace successfully dissects the personalities of these great leaders, providing insights into history and the social perspective of each man. This is not a condemnation of armed struggle, but rather an exploration of the contradictions and ambiguities of the inner lives of these twelve men and of the factors which led each one to chose either violent or peaceful strategies and approaches.
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