SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization, 2nd Edition: Create stunning photorealistic and artistic visuals of your SketchUp models 电子书下载
书名:SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization, 2nd Edition: Create stunning photorealistic and artistic visuals of your SketchUp models
SketchUp is an amazing and remarkably powerful 3D modeling software used by millions of architects, visualizers, and drafters across the globe. It allows you to create animated 3D drawings and photorealistic renderings that approximate real-life objects easily. This book is the perfect introduction to SketchUp 2014. It will help you to get started quickly and efficiently to produce and present commercial quality photorealistic or artistic outputs of your designs. It will teach you how to plan and set up the content of your scenes, use SketchUp and professional rendering software to produce stunning visuals and animations, and how to add an artistic touch to your images.
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