Warmachines No. 4 - Israeli M4 Sherman and Derivatives 电子书下载
78 FULL COLOR DETAIL PHOTOGRAPHS The fourth installment in the WARMACHINES series, this edition covers the versions of the M4 "SHERMAN" tank in Israeli service. Versions covered include the following: M4A2, M4A1 105mm Howitzer, M50 "SUPER SHERMAN," M51 "ISHERMAN," M4 Armored Engineer Vehicle with M1 bulldozer blade, M4 "CRAB" Mine Clearing Tank, both early and late types M4 "SHERMAN" Ambulance, M74 Recovery Vehicle (M32 modification), M4 "SHERMAN," "LIVE TARGET," "EYAL" Observation Tank, 290mm Rocket Launcher, "SHERMAN" with 75mm AMX-13 Turret, M4 Personnel Carrier/Command Vehicle, and the 155mm M50 Self Propelled Artillery Vehicle. Along with detailed description captions, this book covers the history of the "SHERMAN" in service with the IDF. An excellent reference for the military enthusiast, scale modeler, or historian.
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