Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty 电子书下载
书名:Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty
"If you think you know everything it takes to attain associate/employee engagement, put yourself to the test. This book provides a holistic approach to engagement that will create the competitive edge required to succeed in this economy."-- Sharon S. Bilgischer, senior manager, logistics global talent, curriculum and documentation, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.There is clear and mounting evidence that employee engagement keenly correlates to individual, group, and corporate performance in areas such as retention, productivity, customer service, and loyalty. This timely treatment provides a comprehensive framework, language, and process that genuinely connects ?People? strategy with ?Business? strategy. It offers a research-based blueprint for looking at employee engagement with the same regularity and importance as any other aspect of the organization.
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