Roadmap to Strategic HR: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality 电子书下载
Foreword by Dave Ulrich For all the theories and talk about making human resources a strategic component of business, in most organizations it`s still viewed as a support function -- and a costly one at that. This book presents a nine-step roadmap to making HR a true strategic partner, drawn from the author`s years of experience at major organizations. Christensen simplifies HR hierarchies by aligning myriad functions with five fundamental processes, and answers key questions including: * How do we get line management engaged and build a partnership between managers and HR? * How do we acknowledge, address, and overcome weaknesses in HR functions and processes? * How do we resolve tensions between generalists and specialists so that they can join forces toward common goals? The book includes a detailed account of how the roadmap was implemented at Hallmark. This case study shows how a real HR department reached an often-stated but rarely-achieved goal: that! of becoming an indispensable partner and driver of company growth. Readers will find much food for both thought and action in this revelatory book.
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