Bikini Body Guide: Workouts - Exercise Traning Plan 2.0. Weeks 13-24 电子书下载
The Bikini Body Training Company Pty Ltd., [n.d]. — 199 p.Welcome to my Bikini Body Training Guide 2.0!This new guide has been written for girls who have already completed my Bikini Body Training Guide and are looking to continue their training but at a more Advanced level.Like the Bikini Body Training Guide, this guide will provide you with a step-by-step, progressive exercise training program that is spread over twelve weeks - from Weeks 13-24. It includes information about both resistance and cardio training as well as rehabilitation.Content Breakdown:12 More weeks of bikini body training from Weeks 13-24. More Advanced exercises and sequencesExpanded education section, including foam rolling and posture awarenessProgress tracking recommendationsMore exercise options, including how to make exercises harder or easierAdditional challenges every few weeks to keep you motivated and help you keep track of your progressAll of this in a New, improved, easy to read layout!
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