Networks IT: Routing Summary: Network,Switching,Routing,RIP,OSPF,BGP,MPLS,VPN,VRF.... 电子书下载
Hello citrus!Are you curious or passionate about computer networks? You are a student and have struggling to grasp and understand this universe? You have come to the right place! We you welcome to this tutorial. Let’s get to the heart of the matter right away. Have you got ever heard a computer network discussion? You have probably heard complicated terms that seem insignificant to you like Network models, Router process, Routing Procedure, Routing Table search, Routing Generations, Routing Classification, Static Routing, Default Route , RIP, OSPF, BGP, EIGRP, MPLS, VPN, VRF ....And so when they talk about their configuration of routers, gateways, you tell yourself they are coming from another planet! Rest assured, this tutorial is here to explain how it all works .To begin with, you will understand the basics of the computer network. Then you will discover the basic notions of Routing. Then you will see how we find our way around a network .Once these good bases have been acquired, you can focus on the mechanisms advanced routing. Finally, you will realize with the services to what extent everything is done so that the use of networks is facilitated.
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