Versatile Routing and Services with BGP: Understanding and Implementing BGP in SR-OS 电子书下载
Design a robust BGP control plane within a secure, scalable network for smoother servicesA robust Border Gateway Protocol setup is vital to ensuring reliable connectivity, an essential capability for any organization. The Internet has become a necessary, always-on service in homes and businesses, and BGP is the protocol that keeps communication flowing. But BGP also has become crucial to delivery of intra-domain business services. But the network is only as reliable as BGP, so service enablement depends upon making BGP more stable, reliable, and service-rich.Alcatel-Lucent Service Router Operating System is engineered to bear the load of the most demanding networks. The system features support for Symmetric Multiprocessing and unprecedented depth of advanced routing features, all within a single OS that`s supported across the entire Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS router portfolio. Versatile Routing and Services with BGP provides guidance toward implementation of BGP within SR-OS, and details the use and control of each feature. The book provides in-depth coverage of topics such as:BGP/MPLS IP-VPN, VPLS, VPWSLabeled Unicast IPv4, reconvergence, and multicastSecurity, graceful restart and error handlingIPv6 PE (6PE) and IPv6 extensions to BGP/MPLS IP-VPNA look at forthcoming features such as Ethernet VPNBasic BGP competency is assumed, but the book is accessible even to those with zero familiarity with Alcatel-Lucent`s SR-OS. It underscores the idea that BGP is more than just service enablement, and can also be used for infrastructure layer transport - but both layers must be solid, scalable, and able to quickly reconverge. Versatile Routing and Services with BGP demonstrates the creation of a robust BGP control plane within a, secure network, allowing the delivery of flawless, uninterrupted service.
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