Computer Networking. This Book Includes: Computer Networking for Beginners and Beginners Guide (All in One) 电子书下载
书名:Computer Networking. This Book Includes: Computer Networking for Beginners and Beginners Guide (All in One)
IntroductionIn this book, you are certain to get down to an exciting learning undertaking of various networking experience. Particularly, Networking for Beginners concisely sets the tempo with an-easy-to-understand introduction to the essentials of networking so you get to know just enough about the LANs and WANs, the OSI model and networking components.It is also worth noting that the issue of network maintenance and troubleshooting have been significantly covered. There is appreciable coverage on wireless technology, the Internet, and the interesting concept of virtualization in cloud computing. Also, this book introduces the interesting concepts of IP addressing and subnetting that certainly injects a practical touch to the largely theoretical aspect of networking.
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