Our Finest Hour Vol.01.01 - Vol.01.04 电子书下载
Our Finest Hour _ Vol.01.01 - Vol.01.04 Bi-Monthly E-Mag. For some time now the Lord has been speaking to me about producing a magazine that would help Christians and leaders to hear what God is saying to the body of Christ. There is so much confusion out there in the Christian scene as to what God is saying and what He expects of us in these difficult times. I trust that you will be blessed by the articles which are written by ministries that have a proven track record in communication to the body of Christ what the Lord is saying to us in this present time.The Name “Our Finest Hour” refers to the fact that the true church is entering a period of time in which it will be known as and enshrined in the eternal halls of fame in heaven. “That this was the churches finest hour” The best is yet to come and we are now embarking on a period of time where the church will rise to all that God has purposed for her. Neville Johnson, Editor A Living Word Academy of Light Publication _ TheAcademy.org.au
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