Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP-IP Protocols and Services: Technical Reference with CD-ROM 电子书下载
IT professionals get the in-depth technical information they need to support TCP/IP on Windows 2000 with the Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP/IP Protocols and Services Technical Reference. This book explores TCP/IP layer by layer in the OSI model. Neither overly simplified nor dryly academic, it offers TCP/IP details to help IT professionals handle daily connectivity tasks, while covering the particulars of securing solid performance and reliability on Windows 2000 - based wide-area networks, even for large organizations. Stepping though the TCP/IP protocols layer by layer, it weaves theory with fact to present a solid picture of TCP/IP protocols and services for a broad variety of network administrators. It`s the must-have reference for anyone who works with TCP/IP on a Windows 2000 platform.* This title offers a single focused, practical guide to understanding, building, and deploying solutions using TCP/IP on Windows 2000. * Demystifies TCP/IP protocols by providing deep, layer-by-layer coverage in the OSI model specifically for Windows 2000. * Demystifies TCP/IP protocols and services by exploring them layer by layer in the OSI model in greater depth than other books on Windows 2000 * Weaves theory with facts to present a solid picture of TCP/IP protocols and services for a broad variety of network administrators
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