ActionScript 2.0 Garage

ActionScript 2.0 Garage 电子书下载

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书名:ActionScript 2.0 Garage

ActionScript 2.0 Garage.jpg

Enter your ActionScript 2.0 Garage. When you come out you`ll be a lean, mean, ActionScriptin` machine!Top ActionScripter Dan Livingston shows you code, teaches you skills, and inflames your passion to create "do-the-impossible" Flash content. It`s all here: forms, validation, styles, skins, data integration, XML, RSS, classes, objects, events, listeners, menu systems, masks, preloaders, ActionScript 2.0 architecture, UI components, and more - all with serious downloadable code examples. Inspired. Stunningly useful. Think `zine. Think blog. But, please, do not think of any other ActionScript book you`ve ever seen.Specific topics covered include * Enhancing data components to manipulate complicated sets of data * Using MX to connect to SOAP based web services * Creating RSS aggregators and readers * Building shopping carts and online reservation systems * Exploring the updates and enhancements in ActionScript 2.0If you`re a Flash designer and programmer who wants to hit the ground running, this fun, informative guide will take you to the next level!"

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