Girls Garage: How to Use Any Tool, Tackle Any Project, and Build the World You Want to See 电子书下载
Girls Garage is the only book you`ll ever need for a lifetime of building and repair. Packed with over 175 illustrated tool guides, 11 how-to projects, 21 essential skills, and 15 inspiring stories from real-world builder girls and women, Girls Garage will inspire you to fill up your toolbox and get building!With a background in architecture and construction, Emily Pilloton started the nonprofit Girls Garage to give girls the tools to build the world they want to see. Since 2013, girls ages 9-18 have come to Girls Garage`s workshop eager to use power tools and build real-world projects for their community. The Girls Garage book puts that same power into girls` hands around the world, inviting them to join a thriving, diverse, and fierce movement of fearless builder girls.Not sure which screws to buy? Need to fix a running toilet? With Girls Garage, you`ll have the expertise to tackle these problems with your own hands. Or maybe you want to get creative and build something totally new. A birdhouse? A bookshelf? Girls Garage has you covered. Girls Garage will be both a trusted household resource and a wellspring of inspiration and encouragement in the vein of Women in Science Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science and the World.• Nonfiction books for women and girls age 14 and up• Carpentry, home repair, building projects• Inspiring DIY for teens, kids, and adults
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