面相终末的美德——罗马书讲疏 (Der Brief an die Römer) 电子书下载
《罗马书讲疏》是从佩特森遗稿中整理出版的新约释经学作品之一,亦是其中唯一一部对新约篇章进行完整讲疏的文字。《罗马书》向来就是考察新约释经学家本事的试金石,佩特森又对保罗文献一直情有独钟,故本书的重要性自不待说,德文版遗稿出版时,它就被列为其首。《罗马书》对于 ...
09-06 [ None ]
The Hungry Scientist Handbook: Electric Birthday Cakes, Edible Origami, and Other DIY Projects for Techies, Tinkerers, and Foodies 电子书下载
The Hungry Scientist Handbook brings DIY technology into the kitchen and onto the plate. It compiles the most mouthwatering proje ...
05-03 [ None ]
Vingt melodies pour chant et piano par Gabriel Faure 电子书下载
Перешедшие в общественное достояние материалы электронного фонда ЦГПБ им. В.В. Маяковского. Сведения о издательстве или типографи ...
10-14 [ None ]
The Economics of an Ageing Population: Macroeconomic Issues (Esri Studies Series on Ageing) 电子书下载
The Economics of an Ageing Population studies the effects of demographic transition on the economics of industrialised countries. ...
05-20 [ None ]
The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science 电子书下载
It was in 1660s England, according to the received view, in the Royal Society of London, that science acquired the form of empiri ...
10-08 [ None ]
Medievalism in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones 电子书下载
One of the biggest attractions of George R.R. Martin`s high fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, and by extension its HBO telev ...
11-01 [ None ]
Daughters of Eve: Pregnant Brides and Unwed Mothers in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts (Studies in American Popular History and Culture) 电子书下载
This study examines cases of fornication, bastardy, and paternity cases brought before the courts in Essex County, Massachusetts ...
09-20 [ None ]
More on Mediterranean Diets (World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 97) 电子书下载
The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Washington, D.C. Provides extensive reviews of the various diets existing in the M ...
09-26 [ None ]
Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse: Die griechischen Fragmente mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung (Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, Bd. 1) 电子书下载
This text presents diplomatic transcriptions and translations of all known textual fragments which can be attributed to what is k ...
09-01 [ None ]
Diététique chinoise de la femme enceinte: De la gestation au post-partum 电子书下载
L’ouvrage présente les principes physiopathologiques et les règles diététiques tirés de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise, néce ...
09-27 [ None ]