《365天英语口语大全(全套6册)》Max / (美)Ariel / Themar / (美)Christina / 等编录 / Sommer 电子书下载
内容简介:《365天英语口语大全》是昂秀英语编辑部耗时3年零7个月,诚邀19位中外籍资深英语教师参与撰写、编辑、审校等工作才制作而成的,其目的就是为了给广大英语学习者打造一套“真正实用的口语大全”:全套共86大类生活学习工作场景,涵盖365个口语话题。 ...
10-14 [ education ]
Create Stunning Renders Using V-Ray in 3ds Max: Guiding the Next Generation of 3D Renderers 电子书下载
Create Stunning Renders using V-Ray in 3ds Max: Guiding the Next Generation of 3D Renderers is a step-by-step guide on how to cre ...
04-07 [ None ]
3D Photorealistic Rendering. Interiors & Exteriors with V-Ray and 3ds Max 电子书下载
Increase the photorealism of your 3d visualizations with enhanced toolsets of V-ray in 3ds Max. Full-color, step-by-step tutorial ...
04-07 [ None ]
Beginning Game Art in 3ds Max 8 电子书下载
Are you an artist ready to try your hand at 3ds Max 8? Beginning Game Art in 3ds Max 8 gives you the skills you need to hit the g ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds Max 6 для Windows 电子书下载
Эта книга поможет вам без труда освоить программу 3ds max, которая является одной из самых мощных настольных программ трехмерной ...
04-07 [ None ]
Clean Code Cookbook - Maximiliano Contieri 电子书下载
Clean Code Cookbook - Maximiliano ContieriMaximiliano Contieri ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Realistic Architectural Visualization with 3ds Max and Mental Ray 电子书下载
Bring new realism to your visualizations with a command of the 3ds Max toolset. Three step-by-step tutorials demonstrate exterior ...
04-07 [ None ]
mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max and XSI - Boaz Livny 电子书下载
mental ray for Maya, 3ds Max and XSI - Boaz LivnyBoaz Livny ...
02-05 [ computer ]
3ds Max 2009. 3ds Max Design 2009. Самоучитель 电子书下载
Книга представляет собой вводный курс по работе в системе 3ds Max 2009/3ds Max Design 2009. Она предназначена для тех пользовател ...
04-07 [ None ]
jQuery Mobile: Up and Running - Maximiliano Firtman 电子书下载
jQuery Mobile: Up and Running - Maximiliano FirtmanMaximiliano Firtman ...
02-05 [ computer ]
3ds max Lighting 电子书下载
Because good lighting is so critical to the final look of your shot, an understanding of how lighting works and how to use the av ...
04-07 [ None ]
3ds max 6 Bible 电子书下载
* Shows beginning users how to create an exciting animation their very first day with 3ds max, the world`s most popular animation ...
04-07 [ None ]
MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio: A Tutorial Approach 电子书下载
MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio: A Tutorial Approach textbook aims at harnessing the power of MAXON CINEMA 4D R18 Studio for modelers, ...
05-21 [ None ]