Frommers Portable Las Vegas for Non-Gamblers (2005) (Frommers Portable) 电子书下载
Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer. And avoid tourist traps. Frommer’s Portable Guides help ...
08-29 [ None ]
《365天英语口语大全(全套6册)》Max / (美)Ariel / Themar / (美)Christina / 等编录 / Sommer 电子书下载
内容简介:《365天英语口语大全》是昂秀英语编辑部耗时3年零7个月,诚邀19位中外籍资深英语教师参与撰写、编辑、审校等工作才制作而成的,其目的就是为了给广大英语学习者打造一套“真正实用的口语大全”:全套共86大类生活学习工作场景,涵盖365个口语话题。 ...
10-14 [ education ]
Django 1.2 e-commerce: Build powerful e-commerce applications using Django, a leading Python web framework 电子书下载
Packed with code examples and configuration hints for related web technologies, the book helps you add a new feature to your stor ...
10-19 [ None ]
Englands Striking History: An Introduction to the History of England and Its Silver Hammered Coins from the Anglo-Saxons to the English Civil War 电子书下载
Details the turbulent period of history between the late Anglo-Saxons to the English Civil war. This work helps to learn how to i ...
05-21 [ None ]
Frommers Portable Las Vegas for Non-Gamblers 电子书下载
Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer. And avoid tourist traps. Frommer’s Portable Guides help ...
08-29 [ None ]
Frommers Portable Las Vegas for Non-Gamblers (2007) (Frommers Portable) 电子书下载
Experience a place the way the locals do. Enjoy the best it has to offer. And avoid tourist traps. Frommer’s Portable Guides help ...
08-29 [ None ]
Primer for Design of Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Terrorist Attacks: Providing Protection to People and Buildings (Risk Management) 电子书下载
Provides guidance to building designers, owners, and state and local governments to mitigate the effects of hazards resulting fro ...
08-02 [ None ]
Commercial Satellite Communication 电子书下载
This book is a highly readable text offering comprehensive coverage of all aspects of satellite communications, from the design o ...
09-01 [ None ]