基本无害的计量经济学:实证研究指南( Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion) 电子书下载
计量经济学的方法和实践不断发展,有些过于新奇的方法本来没必要如此复杂,而且还可能是有害的。虽然对计量经济学基本工具的解释日趋精奥深微,但应用计量经济学的核心内容却保持着大体稳定。这本指南性质的教材为经验研究者把握计量经济学的精义提供一个向导,在讨论回归、工具 ...
02-09 [ None ]
The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science 电子书下载
It was in 1660s England, according to the received view, in the Royal Society of London, that science acquired the form of empiri ...
10-08 [ None ]
Persuasion and Communication in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity 电子书下载
How can we use persuasion methods to make people more physically active and improve their sport and exercise experiences? How can ...
07-28 [ None ]
Up and Running on DAX for Power BI: A Concise Guide for Non-Technical Users 电子书下载
Take a concise approach to learning how DAX, the function language of Power BI and PowerPivot, works. This book focuses on explai ...
05-27 [ None ]
Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
Python`s simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren`t using everything it has to offer. With th ...
06-30 [ None ]
CCNA Cisco® Certified Network Associate Study Guide 电子书下载
This book covers everything you need to know in order to become CCNA certified. However, taking the time to study and practice wi ...
08-26 [ None ]
El romanticismo 电子书下载
El romanticismo nace en Alemania e Inglaterra y se extiende por toda Europa a principios del siglo XIX. En Francia, el movimiento ...
05-20 [ None ]
数学分析习题全解指南(下册) (mathematical analysis solution guide the whole exercise: The next book) 电子书下载
数学分析习题全解指南(复旦大学数学系陈纪修主编2004年第二版)(下册) 陈纪修 徐惠平 周渊 金路 邱维元主编 2005年 高等教育出版社.pdf ...
05-28 [ None ]
CCNA Cisco certified network associate: Учеб. рук.: Экзамен 640-507 电子书下载
Эта книга облегчит и сделает максимально эффективной подготовку к новому сертификационному экзамену Cisco Certified Network Assoc ...
08-26 [ None ]
Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs 2nd Edition - Finn V. Jensen and Thomas D. Nielsen 电子书下载
Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs 2nd Edition - Finn V. Jensen and Thomas D. NielsenFinn V. Jensen and Thomas D. Nielsen ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual 2nd Edition: Volume 2 Tests, Procedures and Data 电子书下载
This is the second edition of the highly successful Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. Developed as a ke ...
07-28 [ None ]
Exercise-Induced Acute Renal Failure: Acute Renal Failure with Severe Loin Pain and Patchy Renal Ischemia after Anaerobic Exercise 电子书下载
Acute renal failure induced by rhabdomyolysis after strenuous, prolonged exercise such as marathon running or mountain climbing i ...
07-28 [ None ]
战争艺术概论:对战略、大战术及军事政策的主要问题的最新分析评论=Precis de L’Art de la Guerre 电子书下载
《战争艺术概论》总结了法国革命战争和拿破仑战争的经验,概括了十八世纪末和十九世纪初的战争基本原理,提出了许多当时行之有效的作战指导原则、方法和形式。其主要观点为:对战争史的研究是战争艺术原理的惟一理论基础;战争远非是一门精确的科学,而是—出令人恐怖、充满激情 ...
04-19 [ None ]