Android Apprentice (Second Edition): Beginning Android Development with Kotlin 电子书下载
Learn Android Programming with Kotlin!Learning Android programming can be challenging. Sure, there is plenty of documentation, but the tools and libraries available today for Android are easily overwhelming for newcomers to Android and Kotlin.Android Apprentice takes a different approach. From building a simple first app, all the way to a fully featured podcast player app, this book walks you step-by-step, building on basic concepts to advanced techniques so you can build amazing apps worthy of the Google Play Store!Who This Book Is ForThis book is for anyone interested in writing mobile apps for Android. Though no previous mobile experience is necessary, this book is also a great resource for iPhone developers transitioning from iOS.Topics Covered in Android ApprenticeGetting Started: Learn how to set up Android Studio and the Android Emulator.Layouts: Create layouts that can be used for both Activities and Fragments.Debugging: No one’s perfect! Learn how to dig down and troubleshoot bugs in your apps.Communication: Design separate Activities and communicate and send data between them using Intents.Scrolling Layouts: Learn how to use Recycler Views to make efficient, reusable views that scroll fluidly at a touch.Google Places: Integrate location APIs to bring the magic of maps into your Android apps.Networking: Learn how to access resources on the internet and handle networked responses.Material Design: Make sure your apps conform to modern best practices by using Google’s standards of Material DesignAnd much, much more!One thing you can count on: after reading this book, you’ll be prepared to write feature-rich apps from scratch and go all the way to submitting them to the Google Play Store!About the Tutorial TeamThe Tutorial Team is a group of app developers and authors who write tutorials at the popular website We take pride in making sure each tutorial we write holds to the highest standards of quality. We want our tutorials to be well written, easy to follow, and fun. If you`ve enjoyed the tutorials we`ve written in the past, you`re in for a treat. The tutorials we`ve written for this book are some of our best yet — and this book contains detailed technical knowledge you simply won`t be able to find anywhere else.
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